BLOG: June update fruit, ponds and sunshine

Come and see the wonderful world of ponds at Naturewise Community Forest Garden

Visit us every Tuesday and the 3rd Saturday of each month : next one Saturday 15th July

You are welcome you to join in with the creation of a community forest garden in Cardigan.  It’s a spectacular site full of birds, moths, butterflies, fruit and ponds!  We’ve only one functioning pond and it’s a little over crowded especially as there was no rain through June.

We’re still planting pond plants and bog plants, which is great fun too. We give you instruction, support, tea and cake! You can come and just sit and rest.

We’ve many medicinal plants to get in the ground as well. We have had to do a lot of watering and taking care of the new plants because of the dry weather. There is always plenty to learn.

Right now we have a lot of fruit to pick. Come and help us and you can take fruit home with you.

Using soil from the spoils of the pathway we have had constructed.

Below the Forest garden gang making the first bench at coppice wood College. Thank you to the college for giving us access to their facilities.