Cardigan’s Naturewise Community Forest Garden Halloween Event a great success.
Llwyddiant mawr i digwyddiad Calan Gaeaf yr Ardd Goedwig Gymunedol Naturewise yn Aberteifi.
Over 100 visitors came during the free 8 hour event that saw both daylight and darkness activities to inform, engage and entertain. A team of over 20 volunteers helped to organise and run all aspects of the event.
Organisers were very glad to have been so blessed by the weather! “The run up to the event had been particularly wet, but the best part of the day was gloriously sunny!”
Daeth dros 100 o ymwelwyr yn ystod y digwyddiad 8 awr rhad ac am ddim a welodd olau dydd a gweithgareddau tywyllwch i hysbysu, ymgysylltu a diddanu. Bu tîm o dros 20 o wirfoddolwyr yn helpu i drefnu a rhedeg pob agwedd o’r digwyddiad.
Roedd y trefnwyr yn falch iawn o gael eu bendithio gymaint gan y tywydd! “Roedd y cyfnod cyn y digwyddiad wedi bod yn arbennig o wlyb, ond roedd rhan orau’r diwrnod yn heulog braf!”
Daytime activities included craft and exploration of the site for visitors of all ages and a series of practical talks & workshops on the medicinal herbs growing at the Forest Garden. Participants were fascinated by how accessible and easy some remedies can be. There was a lot of interest and several requests for similar workshops or courses in the future – watch this space!
Roedd gweithgareddau yn ystod y dydd yn cynnwys crefftau ac archwilio’r safle ar gyfer ymwelwyr o bob oed, a chyfres o sgyrsiau a gweithdai ymarferol ar y perlysiau meddyginiaethol sy’n tyfu yn yr Ardd Goedwig. Roedd y cyfranogwyr wedi eu swyno gan ba mor hygyrch a hawdd y gall rhai meddyginiaethau fod. Bu llawer o ddiddordeb a sawl cais am weithdai neu gyrsiau tebyg yn y dyfodol – gwyliwch y gofod hwn!
As the light faded from the sky, people were invited to join in a guided meditation in the round shed, preparing for the darkness of winter – Calan Gaeaf is the First Day of Winter. Historically, Halloween was known as All Souls Day where people acknowledged and connected with their ancestors. A number of participants said that it was very moving to be able to relate to their lost loved ones in the supportive space of the guided meditation.
Wrth i’r golau bylu o’r awyr, gwahoddwyd pobl i ymuno mewn myfyrdod dan arweiniad yn y sied gron, gan baratoi ar gyfer tywyllwch y gaeaf – Calan Gaeaf yw Diwrnod Cyntaf y Gaeaf. Yn hanesyddol, roedd Calan Gaeaf yn cael ei adnabod fel All Souls Day yn Saesneg, lle roedd pobl yn cydnabod ac yn cysylltu â’u hynafiaid. Dywedodd nifer o gyfranogwyr ei bod yn deimladwy iawn gallu uniaethu â’u hanwyliaid coll yng ngofod cefnogol y myfyrdod dan arweiniad.
Others continued to enjoy the garden and the constant service of hot drinks and delicious cakes, pies & biscuits baked by the volunteers. There were amazingly-sweet gooey chocolate cakes, healthy sugar-free flapjacks and everything in between, with options for gluten free, dairy free & vegan diets too. There were several different pies and refreshing blackcurrant squash made from fruit grown at Naturewise.
Parhaodd eraill i fwynhau’r ardd a’r gwasanaeth cyson o ddiodydd poeth a chacennau, pasteiod a bisgedi blasus wedi’u pobi gan y gwirfoddolwyr. Roedd yna gacennau siocled gooey rhyfeddol o felys, fflapjacs iach heb siwgr a phopeth rhyngddynt, gydag opsiynau ar gyfer dietau heb glwten, di-laeth a fegan hefyd. Roedd yna nifer o basteiod gwahanol a sgwash cyrens duon adfywiol wedi’u gwneud o ffrwythau a dyfwyd yn Naturewise.
The first group of intrepid Spooky Story Trail participants set off in the twilight to discover a Witch’s cauldron of natural charms, an encounter with dancing Ancestors and a silent, brooding Death sharpening their scythe in the dark woods. The trail was led by professional storyteller Alice who skillfully brought the characters to life and wove all the elements of Calan Gaeaf together. Several more groups got to experience the Spooky Story Trail as the night darkened. Participants said that the story trail made the event meaningful rather than the usual commercial Halloween type stuff. “Alice was great at connecting plants to the event and to the site and wove it all together really well”.
Cychwynnodd y grŵp cyntaf o gyfranogwyr dewr y Llwybr Stori Arswydus yn y cyfnos i ddarganfod crochan Gwrach o swynion naturiol, cyfarfod â hynafiaid oedd yn dawnsio a Marwolaeth ddistaw, pendronig yn hogi eu pladur yn y coed tywyll. Arweiniwyd y llwybr gan y storïwr proffesiynol Alice a ddaeth â’r cymeriadau’n fyw yn fedrus a phlethu holl elfennau Calan Gaeaf at ei gilydd. Cafodd sawl grŵp arall brofi’r Llwybr Stori Arswydus wrth i’r nos dywyllu. Dywedodd y cyfranogwyr fod y llwybr stori yn gwneud y digwyddiad yn un ystyrlon yn hytrach na’r pethau arferol Calan Gaeaf masnachol. “Roedd Alice yn wych am gysylltu planhigion â’r digwyddiad ac â’r safle a phlethodd y cyfan yn dda iawn”.
Visitors were entertained by a fantastic fire show with artist Freya Scott @rave_pixie showcasing hoop & poi and Bob performing with double fire sticks. The show had been brought forward due to the start of the rain, and finished just in time for everyone to retreat to the warm glow of the round shed for Shadow Puppets and Stories.
Cafodd ymwelwyr eu diddanu gan sioe dân wych gyda’r artist Freya Scott @rave_pixie yn arddangos hoop a poi, a Bob yn perfformio gyda ffyn tân dwbl. Roedd y sioe wedi’i dwyn ymlaen oherwydd dechrau’r glaw, ac wedi gorffen mewn pryd i bawb gilio i llewyrch cynnes y sied gron ar gyfer sioe Pypedau Cysgodol ac Adrodd Straeon.
Naturewise would like to send out a big thankyou to all the volunteers who made the whole thing happen seamlessly. Many had put time in the day before; setting up tents, carving pumpkins and making food, and the day after to take down all the tents and lights. All the water needed for hot drinks and washing up had to be boiled using a storm kettle and all the food heated in a large fire bowl. The site was lit up by pumpkins, lights and lanterns. We are an incredible team who had a lot of fun and took inspiration from all the creativity and magic over the day. Volunteers said:
“I am very grateful you asked me to do it, I felt really included in the team and part of something bigger and somehow important and for that I’m really grateful. The forest garden really is a special place.” Alice
“I left the Halloween party at the forest garden feeling I had spent the day warmly embraced and supported by a beautiful community that I felt part of – and I am not even a regular volunteer – just a sporadic visitor. The day was a rich mixture of volunteering – serving tea and cake, washing up, heating soup and whatnot- and taking time out to enjoy the talks, events and spectacles on offer. Many of the entertainments were of professional standard – fabulous fire dancing, story telling, hilariously absurd shadow puppet theatre and a herb talk, which was a great introduction to some of the less obvious growing spaces. There was plenty more that I missed. Well done all of you” Mal
Hoffai Naturewise anfon diolch yn fawr i’r holl wirfoddolwyr a wnaeth i’r holl beth ddigwydd yn ddi-dor. Yr oedd llawer wedi rhoddi amser y diwrnod o’r blaen ; gosod pebyll, cerfio pwmpenni a gwneud bwyd, a’r diwrnod wedyn i dynnu’r holl bebyll a’r goleuadau i lawr. Roedd yn rhaid berwi’r holl ddŵr oedd ei angen ar gyfer diodydd poeth a golchi llestri gan ddefnyddio tegell storm a chynhesu’r holl fwyd mewn powlen dân fawr. Cafodd y safle ei oleuo gan bwmpenni, goleuadau a llusernau. Rydym yn dîm anhygoel a gafodd lawer o hwyl a chymerodd ysbrydoliaeth o’r holl greadigrwydd a hud a lledrith dros y diwrnod. Dywedodd gwirfoddolwyr:
“Rwy’n ddiolchgar iawn eich bod wedi gofyn i mi ei wneud, roeddwn yn teimlo fy mod wedi fy nghynnwys yn y tîm ac yn rhan o rywbeth mwy a rhywsut yn bwysig,ac am hynny rwy’n ddiolchgar iawn. Mae gardd y goedwig yn lle arbennig iawn.” Alice
“Gadawais y parti Calan Gaeaf yn yr ardd goedwig gan deimlo fy mod wedi treulio’r diwrnod wedi fy nghofleidio a’i gefnogi’n gynnes gan gymuned hardd yr oeddwn yn teimlo’n rhan ohoni – a dydw i ddim hyd yn oed yn wirfoddolwr rheolaidd – dim ond yn ymwelydd achlysurol. Roedd y diwrnod yn gymysgedd cyfoethog o wirfoddoli – gweini te a chacenau, golchi llestri, gwresogi cawl ac ati – a chymryd amser i fwynhau’r sgyrsiau, y digwyddiadau a’r sbectolau oedd ar gael. Roedd llawer o’r adloniant o safon broffesiynol – dawnsio tân bendigedig, adrodd straeon, theatr bypedau cysgodol hynod ddoniol a sgwrs berlysiau, a oedd yn gyflwyniad gwych i rai o’r mannau tyfu llai amlwg. Roedd llawer mwy yr oeddwn yn ei golli. Da iawn chi gyd” Mal
There are many photos of the halloween event and some videos on the website which also houses all the films that have been created so far. One of the films that Caroline Juler made for us received a commendation at the recent Newcastle Emlyn Film Festival!
Colinda from the Netherlands wrote to us to share her response:
‘I have just watched the video about how the Forest Garden came about. Totally impressed by what you (plural) have been able to achieve there, what has grown because you (pl.) nourishing it, allowing its vision to come through. Without putting requirements on it, a true organic growth with respect to all (both humans and other living and growing life) involved. So truly inspiring to watch and feel from it!”
Mae llawer o luniau o’r digwyddiad Calan Gaeaf a rhai fideos ar y wefan sydd hefyd yn gartref i’r holl ffilmiau sydd wedi’u creu hyd yn hyn. Derbyniodd un o’r ffilmiau a wnaeth Caroline Juler i ni ganmoliaeth yng Ngŵyl Ffilm Castell Newydd Emlyn yn ddiweddar!
Ysgrifennodd Colinda o’r Iseldiroedd atom i rannu ei hymateb:
‘Rydw i newydd wylio’r fideo am sut daeth yr Ardd Goedwig i fod. Wedi plesio’n llwyr gan yr hyn rydych chi wedi gallu ei gyflawni yno, yr hyn sydd wedi tyfu oherwydd eich bod chi’n ei faethu, gan ganiatáu i’w weledigaeth ddod drwodd. Heb roi gofynion arno, twf organig gwirioneddol mewn perthynas â phawb (bodau dynol a bywyd arall sy’n byw ac yn tyfu) dan sylw. Mor ysbrydoledig i wylio a theimlo ohono!”
£173 was raised through donations which helped towards the cost of the event. If you would like to support Naturewise Community Forest Garden, you can donate on their Local Giving page:
Naturewise Community Forest Garden is open for visitors and volunteers every Tuesday 10am – 4pm and every 3rd Saturday of the month – everyone is welcome. The site is accessed through Parc Teifi business park and is located just beyond the Police Station.
Codwyd £173 drwy roddion a helpodd tuag at gost y digwyddiad. Os hoffech gefnogi Gardd Goedwig Gymunedol Naturewise, gallwch gyfrannu ar eu tudalen Local Giving:
Mae Gardd Goedwig Gymunedol Naturewise ar agor i ymwelwyr a gwirfoddolwyr 10yb – 4yp bob dydd Mawrth a phob 3ydd dydd Sadwrn o’r mis – mae croeso i bawb. Ceir mynediad i’r safle drwy barc busnes Parc Teifi wedi’i leoli ychydig y tu hwnt i Orsaf yr Heddlu.