Gaethon ni diwrnod braf ond oer i’n Diwrnod Agored Gymraeg cyntaf. Wnaeth pawb joio’r sgwrs bendigedig gyda Adam Yn Yr Ardd – mor braf clywed ei profiadau a’i rhagolwg ar garddio a’r byd natur. Roedd agwedd Adam mor hamddenol a gyfeillgar – fe creuodd awyrgylch ble roedd pawb yn teimlo’n hyderus i ddefnyddio pa bynnag maint o Gymraeg oedd ganddyn nhw.
Arweiniodd Raphaelle ac Adam bobl ar daith o amgylch yr ardd, gan egluro egwyddorion yr Ardd Goedwig a thynnu sylw at wahanol gynefinoedd a rhywogaethau.
Dysgodd pawb enwau newydd am blanhygion a choed cyfarwydd ac ambell i dywediad hefyd. Cafon ni ychydig o sbort gyda’r Mentrai Iaith yn cymhari’r tofodieithoedd leol – mae’r Ardd reit ar y ffîn rhwng Ceredigion a Sir Benfro.
We were blessed with a nice but cold day for our first Welsh Open Day. Everyone enjoyed the wonderful conversation with Adam Yn Yr Ardd – so nice to hear his experiences and outlook on gardening and the natural world. Adam’s attitude was so relaxed and friendly – he created an atmosphere where everyone felt confident to use whatever amount of Welsh they had. Raphaelle and Adam led people on a tour of the garden, explaining Forest Garden principles and pointing out various different habitats and species. Everyone learned new names for familiar plants and trees and a few sayings too. We had a bit of fun with the Mentrai Iaith comparing the local dialects – the Garden is right on the border between Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire.
Ar ôl cinio flasus o cawl llysiau, fara menyn a wledd o te a chacennau, roedd gêmau Ysgol Goedwig gan Claire o EarthPlay yn rhoi cyfle i cynhesu rhywfaint a siglo’r bwyd i lawr. Diolch yn fawr iawn i Bethan o Menter Iaith Sir Befro a Llinos o Cered am eu gwethgareddau plannu salad a creu porthwyr adar ac hefyd am eu anogaeth a help i drefnu.
Gweithgareddau y Mentrai Iaith. Activities with the Menter Iaith groups of Pembrokeshire and Ceredigion.
After a delicious lunch of vegetable soup, bread & butter and a feast of tea & cakes, forest school games with Claire from EarthPlay provided an opportunity to warm up a bit and shake the food down. Many thanks to Bethan from Menter Iaith Sir Befro and Llinos from Cered for their salad planting and bird feeder making activities and also for their encouragement and help to organize.
Sonodd sawl un pa mor braf oedd hi i glywed yr Iaith yn cael eu siarad yn yr ardd. Roedd y dysgwyr yn enwedig yn falch cael cyfle i sgwrsio ty fâs o’r dosbarth ac i drafod y pethau sy’n diddordeb iddyn nhw – garddio, bywyd gwyllt, y byd natur a strategaethau gwyntnwch yn wyneb y newidiadau hinsawdd.
Several people mentioned how nice it was to hear the Language being spoken in the garden. The learners were especially pleased to have the opportunity to chat outside of the classroom and to discuss the things that interest them – gardening, wildlife, the natural world and resiliency strategies in the face of climate change.
Yn y prynhawn cafodd ymwelwyr gyfle i fynd â coeden eu hunain adref i’w plannu fel rhan o fenter ‘Fy Nghoeden Ein Coedwig’ gan Lywodraeth Cymru a Choed Cadw, a hwyluswyd gan Llais Y Goedwig. Esboniodd ein staff nodweddion y coed brodorol amrywiol a helpu ymwelwyr i wneud y dewis mwyaf priodol ar gyfer eu sefyllfa.
In the afternoon visitors had the opportunity to take home their own tree to plant as part of the ‘My Tree Our Forest’ initiative by the Welsh Government and The Woodland Trust, facilitated by Llais Y Goedwig. Our staff explained the characteristics of the various native trees and helped visitors to make the most appropriate choice for their situation.
Pwrpas y Diwrnod Agored Cymraeg oedd i hybu’r iaith a’r Ardd Goedwig ond nid dim ond am un diwrnod mae hyn – gall pobl defnyddio’r Cymraeg, Saesneg neu cymysgedd o’r ddwy hyd yn oed, pryd bynnag rydyn ni ar agor sef: pob Dydd Mawrth a’r trydydd Dydd Sadwrn o bob mis. Bydd hefyd mwy o digwyddiadau dros y flwyddyn – yr un nesaf yw ein Dathliad Grant ble fydden ni’n lansio popeth rydym wedi llwyddo i wneud gyda’r gronfa Coedtiroedd Cymunedol yn yr amser byr oedd gyda ni.
The purpose of the Welsh Open Day was to promote the language and the Forest Garden but this is not just for one day – people can use Welsh, English or even a mixture of both whenever we are open, namely: every Tuesday and the third Saturday of every month. There will also be more events over the year – the next one is our Celebration Day where we will be launching everything we have managed to do with the Community Woodlands fund in the short time we have had.
Written by Raphaelle Fieldhouse
Photo Credits to Gary Fieldhouse