BLOG: October Ysgol Gynradd Aberteifi visit to the Naturewise Community Forest Garden – Ysgol Gynradd Aberteifi yn ymweld â Gardd Goedwig Gymunedol Naturewise yn ystod mis Hydref.

Whole classes of children aged between 7-9 years spent two hours at the garden over 4 sessions. The themes the school were interested to explore were MedicinalPlants and From the Soil to the Plate. All the children and teachers got a tour of the site, and they also had to answer questions and find certain trees and plants in the garden.  Questions included: name all the edible plants you saw, where are the vines, almonds, tayberry, persimmon and Japanese wineberry?

Treuliodd dosbarthiadau cyfan o blant rhwng 7-9 oed ddwy awr yn yr ardd dros 4 sesiwn. Y themâu yr oedd diddordeb gan yr ysgol i’w harchwilio oedd Planhigion Meddyginiaethol ac O’r Pridd i’r Plât. Cafodd y plant a’r athrawon i gyd daith o amgylch y safle, a bu’n rhaid iddynt hefyd ateb cwestiynau a dod o hyd i rai coed a phlanhigion yn yr ardd. Roedd y cwestiynau’n cynnwys: enwch yr holl blanhigion bwytadwy a welsoch, ble mae’r gwinwydd, almonau, mwyar Mair, persimmon a llwyn mwyar gwîn?

Tincture: I did a brief introduction of how to make a simple tincture using a vinegar to cover plants that have been chopped up and placed in a jar. 

Children in small groups then made a tincture, which they took back to school.  This was made of chamomile, plantain and calendula.

Trwyth: Gwnes i gyflwyniad byr o sut i wneud trwyth syml gan ddefnyddio finegr i orchuddio planhigion sydd wedi’u torri’n fân a’u rhoi mewn jar.

Yna gwnaeth plant mewn grwpiau bach drwyth, a mynd ag ef yn ôl i’r ysgol. Roedd hwn wedi’i wneud o Camri, Llyriad a Melyn Mair.


These children made two different types of tea: 

Lemon balm – Good for anxiety, insomnia, coughs, wounds, and sores.

Fennel tea – good for nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and calms nerves. 


Gwnaeth y plant hyn ddau fath o de:

Lemon balm – Da at bryder, anhunedd, peswch, clwyfau, a doluriau. Te ffenigl  – yn dda ar gyfer cyfog, chwydu, diffyg traul, ac yn tawelu nerfau.


These children are observing how you can make a salve. In the container I have olive oil with comfrey which I previously heated for 2 hours. I showed the children how to heat and then add the beeswax to the strained mixture. 

They took the salve with them which they can use for: joining together skin and bone, sprains, swellings, bruises, fractured bones, sores, cuts, scrapes, lip balm, draws out stings and poisons. Wow how amazing is comfrey!

Everyone said they liked learning about plants that heal and cutting and making the tincture and drinking the teas. 

A grandmother of a child visited the garden over the half term, and she told me how he had asked her for lemon balm tea after visiting the garden. 

Given lemon balm is great for soothing nerves and calming,  many children and their families could benefit from trying this tea out. The plant is easy to grow. 

I’m hoping that children can return to the garden and learn more, next year. 


Mae’r plant hyn yn arsylwi sut y gallwch chi wneud eli. Yn y cynhwysydd mae gen i olew olewydd gyda Cyfardwf yr wyf wedi’i gynhesu am 2 awr yn flaenorol. Dangosais i’r plant sut i gynhesu ac yna ychwanegu’r cwyr gwenyn i’r cymysgedd wedi hidlo.

Aethant â’r eli gyda nhw y gallant ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer: uno croen ac asgwrn, ysigiadau, chwyddo, cleisiau, esgyrn wedi torri, briwiau, crafiadau, balm gwefusau, pigiadau a gwenwynau. Waw pa mor anhygoel yw Cyfardwf!

Dywedodd pawb eu bod yn hoffi dysgu am blanhigion sy’n gwella, a thorri a gwneud y trwyth ac yfed y te.

Bu nain i blentyn yn ymweld â’r ardd dros yr hanner tymor, a dywedodd wrthyf sut yr oedd wedi gofyn iddi am de balm lemwn ar ôl ymweld â’r ardd.

O ystyried bod balm lemwn yn wych ar gyfer lleddfu nerfau a thawelu, gallai llawer o blant a’u teuluoedd elwa o roi cynnig ar y te hwn. Mae’r blanhigyn yn hawdd ei dyfu.

Rwy’n gobeithio y gall plant ddychwelyd i’r ardd a dysgu mwy, y flwyddyn nesaf.